Photo of protesters in front of a Capitol building holding signs that read "SAVE MEDICAID"

Join Patients in the Fight to Save Medicaid and Social Services

CHEK2 Blog Post (3168 x 2020 px)
CHEK2-Associated Cancer Risk and Screening Recommendation Updates
PLUGS Summit 2024
CHEK2 Blog Post (3168 x 2020 px)
CHEK2-Associated Cancer Risk and Screening Recommendation Updates
PLUGS Summit 2024

satisfying your appetite for genetic news and information


Carrier Screening Tests for Expecting Parents: A Discussion on VUS


Charity Care Means More Access to Genetic Counseling


“How to Spit” A guide on how to provide a saliva sample for genetic testing


Must-Reads for Women with Hereditary Cancer Risk

pregnant woman standing alone with ultrasound images

Attending Alone: Pregnancy Appointments During COVID-19


Genetic Counseling in the Time of Covid

CHEK2 Blog Post (3168 x 2020 px)

CHEK2-Associated Cancer Risk and Screening Recommendation Updates


PLUGS Summit 2024


Causation versus Susceptibility: Alzheimer’s Disease, Genetics, & APOE

A drawing of a clock with a small area shaded in green representing reimbursed time and the rest of the clock shaded red indicating time not reimbursed.

Financial Challenges in the Fight for Independent Genetic Counseling Services

Image description: cartoon of an individual with a large mustache, a top hat, and cape standing behind a brown and red booth holding test tubes in front of a crowd of stick fingers. The booth has a banner reading "DTC snake oil" at the top and signs that read "Tests 100% of the DNA!", "Test your infant for ALL health conditions!," and "Holiday sale today!" A white speech bubble reads "Step right up! We are the ONLY ones who can give you ALL the answers!"

Direct-to-Consumer is Direct-to-Chaos for Rare Disease Families

Silhouettes of 44 people encircle the text, “Updated 23andMe test still misses moist people with BRCA1/2 hereditary cancer risks”. About 1 in 4 of the people are colored in red and the rest are colored in pink. The pink silhouette is intended to represent people who carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variant that would be missed by the 23andMe test.

The Value of Knowledge and the Cost of False Reassurance: Understanding the Updates to 23andMe’s BRCA Genetic Testing